Rectangular Flat Bottom Pond

Rectangular Flat Bottom Pond

Producto n° 19014



 The flat-bottomed rectangular pool includes vertical and horizontal ribs that allow a maximum deflection of L/200 in the long minor. They are designed only to hydrostatic pressure. The vertical corners of the rectangular flat-bottomed pond are the weakest points of the rectangular ponds by the tendency to "barreled" so that its rounded design considers all these teams and internal and perimeter fin with a return in the mouth top. As needs are considered as "stiffeners" additional. Accessories Rectangular Flat Bottom Pond: • Anchor Brackets. • Ears to lift empty. • Input and output nozzles. • Applications: • Industrial and Project Area.

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Rectangular Flat Bottom Pond The rectangular pond with a flat part of our product line, category subcategory Ponds Water Ponds.

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